Resources to Help You Help Yourself

“We cannot solve our problems with the same level of thinking that created them.”
– Albert Einstein

WEBSITES International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine

Established by Elmer Green with the vision to unify science and spirit through scientific and intuitive exploration. Institute of Noetic Science (IONS)

Institute established by Apollo astronaut Edger Mitchell, the 6th man to walk on the moon, supporting individual and collective transformation through research into consciousness. Established by Louise Hay one of the founders of the self-help movement. Publishes and offers a variety of self-help, inspirational and transformational books and products. Center for Spirituality and Healing at University of Minnesota

Is a global leader in integrative health and well-being. Check out the plethora of health information and products offered for professionals and lay people. Foundation for Living Medicine established by Gladys McGarey M.D., M.D. (H), referred to as the Mother of Holistic Medicine and co-founder of the American Holistic Medical Association (AHMA). Site explains the paradigm shift from disease based modal of medicine to partnering with patients and their own capacity to heal. Caroline Myss is a highly accurate medical intuitive and prolific best-selling author and teacher in spirituality, mysticism and energy. Offers classes and information for transformation.


“The Tapping Solution” A Revolutionary System for Stress-free Living by Nick Ortner (Hay House, 2013)  Offers a tapping self-help technique to deal with seemingly impossible situations. Is effective. Can be learned in minutes.

“The Enneagram Made Easy” Discover the 9 Types of People by Renee Baron and Elizabeth Wagele (Harper Collins, 1994)  Based on an ancient system, can identify own type, why we behave the way we do and points to specific directions for individual growth. Includes comparisons with the Myers-Briggs Types.